Hadhrat Uthman (RA) Lineage and his Birth

Hadhrat Uthman (RA) Lineage and his Birth 

His lineage

His blessed name is Uthman and his Kunniyah is Abu Abdullah.  It is an honor for him that after Abde Munaf, his lineage joins the lineage of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam).

His birth

Hadhrat Uthman (May Allah be well pleased with him) was born in the 6th year after the Year of the Elephants (The year in which Abraha’s army was destroyed. (Tarikh Ul Khulafa, Vol. 1, Pg. No. 60)

His mother is Arwa who is the maternal granddaughter of Hadhrat Abdul Muttalib (May Allah be well pleased with him) as given in Ma’arifatus Sahabah Li Abi Nu‘aim, Vol. 14, Pg. No. 62)

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