Food Allergy Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment and Prevention

Food Allergy Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment and Prevention 

Food Allergy full info

Food Allergy

Food allergy is the reaction of unwanted food proteins mediator in the work of the immune system, usually, by ige antibodies. Prevalence of the disease among children, ranging from 3% 5%, but they go up more in children with a topic dermatitis. But among adults ranges prevalence of the disease between 1% and 2%.

Recess foods that lead to the emergence of allergic reaction is cow's milk proteins, soy, eggs, peanuts, nuts, wheat, fish and sesame. The allergy caused by fruits such as peaches, apricots and other vigorously strike usually adolescents and adults living with allergic rhinitis and those who suffer allergies from pollen of various plants hay fever.

Due to the immaturity of the mechanisms of mucous protection intestinal in the first few months after birth, the intestine absorbs large amounts of foods that cause allergic molecules, which stimulates the production of antibodies of allergic-type ige, or it stimulates the occurrence reactions immune other topical due to the action of the immune system is located inside the machine digestive system.

Evolve with 80% of children who are allergic to milk, soy or egg's ability to accept these foods when they reach the third generation. While allergic to peanuts, nuts, fish shall be permanent in general.

Symptoms of food allergy

  1. Ige by: is an immediate reaction include vomiting, burning, itching feeling in the mouth and throat, runny nose, tears, urticaria, angioedema, whistling and low blood pressure.
  1. The last immune system (only in infants and children):
  1. Enteritis caused by dietary protein syndrome (food protein induced enterocolitis syndrome) - frequent vomiting, bloody diarrhea, dehydration, metabolic acidosis, occur within 2-6 hours of eating food allergic (typically milk or soy).
  2. The phenomena of chronic digestive:
  • Enteropathy chronic accompanied by a disturbance in the maturation of the child.
  • Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Heiner syndrome: occurs when infants during the first months of birth as a reaction to the proteins found in milk. The syndrome is the presence of anemia , pulmonary rchahat frequent, and diabetes imosidireny lung (pulmonary hemosiderosis).

Diagnosis of food allergy

Diagnosis relies on instant skin tests or checks for the blood to try to find antibodies of ige, which suit the food allergy suspected causative agent of allergic, as well diagnosis relies on the gold standard (the best way) for the diagnosis of a food intake suspect in perpetuating allergic under medical supervision.

Treatment of food allergy

Treatment of food allergy through prevention, so as to remove suspect materials kmspbh allergic to, from the list of foods that can be eaten infected person. And treatment in infants is through the use of weak structures altoraj foods (hypoallergenic formula). In the event of anaphylactic reactions (immediate and severe appearance of the sensitivity) (anaphylactic reaction) must provide the patient's or the child 's parents epinephrine injection automatic in the event that mistake for food allergic person.

Prevention of food allergy

Breastfeeding for a long time. For infants who have a family history of the disease allergic food is served hypoallergenic. In addition to refrain from eating food allergens such as eggs, peanuts and sesame for people over the age of years - two years.

Question and answer

Q 1: Allergic reaction when eating figs. Every year when the fig season begins, there is a kind of fig, who after eating 10 grains of it, it burns my tongue, palate, and if touched lips, starts within an hour sores of the lips, as i was young, after sitting in the sun. I put 70% alcohol on the wound, and the wound does not heal, but i feel the burning in my mouth for two days. Are there any types of figs that can eat them without a lot happen to me something? Why is this happening? Who is the expert in this field?

A: Describes the phenomenon can be sensitive and can be a contact dermatitis. There can be a species of figs that contain certain materials which you are allergic to it, and because of contact with the mucous membranes in the mouth sores form in the mouth. I suggest you go to the doctor sensitivity (allergy specialist b), which will guide you to the sensitivity of the tests, including sensitivity to the type of figs, which causes the symptoms described by the test. If you found that you are sensitive for her, it ausik to refrain from eating it . Allergist may refer you for further tests and further consultations with the oral medicine experts or dermatologist.

Q 2: How holder can relieve severe heartburn in the stomach? I am pregnant and i am suffering from severe heartburn in the stomach. What i can do to alleviate this problem?

A: More than half of pregnant women complain of having heartburn, especially during the third trimester. Heartburn occur in pregnancy because the digestive system is working slowly due to changes in hormone levels you have. Kmalk, the uterus is pressing bloated abdominal cavity, which leads to a push to the top of the stomach acid.

These are some ways in which to reduce the heartburn of pregnancy you have:

• Eat small meals several times a day instead of three large meals.

• Eat slowly.

• Avoid fatty foods, warm, or any kind of food that seems to have heartburn raises.

• Do not lie down immediately after eating.

• Strive to be where to put the head on the bed higher than where to put the feet.

• Ask your doctor about medications without a prescription anti-heartburn.

Q 3: Does the presence of a hernia of the diaphragm requires surgery? I am a man age 55 years and carry a 15-kilogram weight of almost a plus. In the last period of heartburn occur at a high pace and i felt the taste of acid in the depths of my throat. The doctor has someone having a hernia of the diaphragm. Does that require surgery?

A: Hernia is a pressure member through the hole in the muscular wall of the cavity, which is protected. In the case of a hiatal hernia, the part of the stomach pushing through the hole where he meets the esophagus and stomach.

The most common cause of hiatal hernia is to increase the pressure on the abdominal cavity. Pressure can come from coughing, vomiting, pressure during defecation, lifting heavy loads, or physical effort. Pregnancy, overweight or accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity can also cause a hiatal hernia.

Hiatal hernia can occur at any age and in both genders, although it often occurs in middle age. In fact, most people over the age of 50, except for the sound problem, suffer from a small hernias of the diaphragm.

Most people who suffer from a hiatal hernia do not feel any symptoms. In some people, the acid and digestive juices graduated from the stomach into the esophagus (reflux).

This causes the following problems:


Acidic or bitter taste in the depths of the throat

Bloating, belching

Discomfort or pain in the stomach or esophagus


Most hernias of the diaphragm does not cause problems and rarely need to treat. For a hiatal hernia successful treatment usually involves the treatment of reflux symptoms reflux, caused by excess pressure in the abdominal cavity.

Treatment includes:

Make changes in lifestyle, such as:

• Reduce the weight, if you are suffering from overweight, and maintain a healthy diet.

• Maintain a reasonable approach to eating, such as eating small meals even medium; reduce the intake of fatty foods, acidic foods (such as tomatoes, citrus fruits and fruit juices), foods that contain caffeine and alcoholic beverages.

• Eat meals three to four hours before bedtime, and avoid snacks before bedtime.

• Raising the position of the head in your bed by 15 centimetres (this helps the force of gravity to maintain the contents of the stomach).

• Stop smoking.

• Avoid tight clothes that put pressure on the abdominal area.

• Take your medications, such as antacids or h2 blockers or proton pump inhibitors (ppi). Beware: if you are you taking drugs without a prescription, do not you feel better, or you have received this medication for more than two weeks, they talked with your doctor. It may prescribe stronger medication.

If medications and lifestyle change is effective in treating the symptoms with you, you may be asked to perform diagnostic tests to determine whether it requires surgical intervention to correct the problem or symptoms by using these methods
People who suffer from a hiatal hernia, also from chronic and severe reflux may not need surgery to correct the problem if you have an improvement in symptoms by these treatments did not happen. Surgery may also be required to reduce the size of the hernia if there is a risk in tadhagah or strangled (by cutting him blood supply). During surgery, the islands are corrected by returning a hiatal hernia into the abdomen, and the creation of a mechanism mohsen valve at the bottom of the esophagus. The surgeon wraps the upper part of the stomach (called fundus) around the lower part of the esophagus. This is a narrower corridor so that food can not rebound to the inside of the esophagus.

Surgery diaphragm can be implemented either by opening the abdominal cavity or by laparoscopy laparoscopy. During laparoscopic surgery, the incision five or six small incisions (5-10 mm long) in the abdomen. Laparoscopy and surgical instruments are inserted through these incisions. The surgeon uses lens abdomen guidance, where it is broadcast images of internal organs on the screen. Features endoscope surgery include smaller incisions, less risk for contamination, and less scar pain, heal faster.

Q 4: The effect of ulcerative colitis on daily life.

A: life with colitis ulcerative can not be easy at all. During the outbreak of the disease you feel like you spend most of your time and ran to the bathroom. This can be embarrassing, and can cost you a heavy psychological price. Uncertainty about the moment when the disease breaks out again, it can be disturbing. 

Tension and stress can contribute even in the progression of the disease.
If you feel psychological distress, look for psychological support when the sons of your family, acquaintances or when the psychiatrist. Maybe you can find support from a group of patients with ulcerative colitis in your dwelling area support. There is a great importance of psychological support and understanding of your situation, who can get it by others of infected people.

Q 5: Than it expected to get ulcerative colitis?

A: most people with ulcerative colitis are diagnosed with the disease before the age of 30 they have, but the disease can appear at any age group.

I have about 10% to 20% of all patients with ulcerative colitis there is at least one of the family members of the first degree about who is also infected. This suggests that a genetic component may have a major role in the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis.

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