Islam and the reality of sacrifice

Islam and the reality of sacrifice

Islam basically means reverence, obedience, commitment and surrendering, which is against pride, waywardness, self adornment, etc.  The principles of Islam teach that a bondsman should always go against sensuality and should forego all desires and try to achieve the pleasure and approval of Allah Most High through obedience and reverence.  Sacrificing one’s views and ideas before the commands and instructions of Allah Most High, foregoing arrogance, bidding good bye to pride and egotism and following the commands of Allah Most High is the essence and reality of sacrifice.
Unless and until a bondsman uses his/her authority and power, thoughts and ideas, body and spirit, wealth and empire, hours and seconds and everything else with the primary intention of obtaining the closeness of Allah Most High, he or she is not a (perfect) Muslim.  The one who is rebellious and does not have obedience and reverence will never taste the sweetness of Iman.

Author: Mufti Hafidh Syed Ziauddin Naqshbandi Qadri,

Professor, Islamic Law, Jamia Nizamia.

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