The Definition, Essence & Importance of Azan/Adhan

Definition Azan/Adhan 

Azan is defined as to inform and to make alert. But according to the Shariat it is a special method, with specific words, to make the people know and to invite them for obligatory prayers (Salath). Hence it is called Azan/Adhan.

The Definition, Essence & Importance of Azan

The Essence of Azan/Adhan:

Azan/Adhan is brief but perfect one comprising of auspicious words in which the faith and practice are combinedly preached. Through these words belief and obligatory deeds are pursued in a decent and perfect manner. Firstly through the words AllahuAkbar the greatness and soverignty of the Almighty Allah is proclaimed because he is the greatest of the great. In fact the purpose of announcement of these words is to declare unequivocally that Allah alone is entitled for worship (These words are announced loudly four times in azan continuously in order to cause special effect on the believers which make them alert and divert their attention towards Namaz against worldly affairs. These words are more effective than magnetic and electric power). After it the oneness of Allah and His holy Messenger is witnessed. Through these words the faith of the believer becomes stronger. In addition it is a news of bliss for the entire universe. After it the words Hayya Alal Falaah and Hayya Alas Salah are announced loudly to call the people towards Salah and virtuous deeds. These words mean to say come for Salah and for virtuous deeds. The word Falaah also
stands for success and triump because after the Salah is performed the result will be well being in this world and hereafter and it is achieved through prayers. Again once more the word Allahu Akbar is announced twice loudly to show the excellence and sovereignty of Allah. The word La Ilaha Illallah stands for ' there is no one to be worshiped'. These words are used with an intention to alert the people
towards dedication for prayers. They will also intend to guide people to always bear in mind that there is no one except Allah to make our destination and our eyes must always caste towards the Omnipotent and the Omnipresence.

Nearness to Allah is our goal. Our physical and spiritual activities are to seek pleasure of Allah only. Azan Starts with the word Allah and completes on the word Allah. The concept of Azan is now complete. This signifies that Allah is from eternity to eternity and the rest is mortal and will be destroyed. There is a teaching of firmness in belief and acting thereon. To achieve divine pleasure one should concentrate on prayers by relegating all the worldly affairs and to devote the rest of the life to seek eternal bliss. Eventhough Azan is an invitation by which muslims are called to perform Salath yet there is a philosophy in it that after hearing the Azan one refreshes his belief and makes it perfect then comes forward for Salath. Belief is compulsory for good deeds in other words for virtues. It is only an introduction to Azan whereas there are many secrets and blessings of Azan description of which in detail is beyond our capacity.

Importance of Azan:

Azan is a very favourite feature in prayers and it is liked by Allah. There is open announcement of oneness of Allah and His Holy Messenger. The glory and victory of Islam is evidenced in it. In a hadith it is shown as a praisworthy feature as the Holy Prophet has said that a person delivering Azan will be admitted in Jannah immediately next to the prophets and martyres. In another hadith it is mentioned, 'a person delivering Azan will be
confirmed a high place in the hereafter'. It is also evident from the hadith(There is Hadith that if a person makes an intention only to perform good deeds one virtue is noted in his record book wheras if he actually does it 10 virtues are recorded (it is only an extract of Hadith) ) that the entire area covered by the sound of Azan will give testimony of the belief of the Moazzin. If the people come to know the value and significance of Azan will arrange for
draw amongest themselves and if their names do not appear they will quarrel for its deliverance. Further it is ordained that a
person delivering Azan continuously for seven years he will be saved from the fires of Hell and there is a good news for him of heavens. ( It is because according to Hadith and Quran he has not delivered Azan for (7) years but for (70) years in other words the whole life). Further at the time of Azan the Satan is frightened and runs beyond the place the sound reaches. The place from where the Azan is delivered blessings and mercy of Allah befalls thereon.
This place is saved from misfortunes and evil effects.

(Warning):- Azan is required for salath and the salath without cleanliness is not correct.

Content extract from Nisab Ahle Khidmat e Sharaiya...

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