Why did Rasoolullah ﷺ Comb His Hair

Why did Rasoolullah ﷺ Comb His Hair?

"The scholars have said that Imam al-Tirmidhi رضي الله عنه followed up the chapter of his blessed hair with the combing of his blessed hair to indicate that any beauty that Allah bestowed upon the Prophet ﷺ, the Prophet ﷺ put efforts in looking after it. So even though he ﷺ was granted perfection in his blessed hair, yet he ﷺ concerned himself with combing his blessed hair. And this was to create a Sunnah for the rest of us.

"So for example, the Prophet ﷺ, the natural fragrance of his noble body ﷺ was beautiful. As the companions described it, it was better than any type of musk, or any type of fragrance that they knew of. Yet the Prophet ﷺ, he would apply perfume, he would apply scent, and this was to create a Sunnah for the rest of us.

"So likewise, the blessed hair of the Prophet ﷺ was perfect, yet the Prophet ﷺ would comb his blessed hair, and look after his blessed hair, and he would oil his blessed hair, to appreciate this blessing of Allah, and to make it a Sunnah for the rest of us, in taking care of the favours of Allah.

"And this is extremely important, that we take care of the blessings and the favours that Allah bestows upon us. A lot of people, they recognize Allah's favours and His blessings, once they've disappeared. The scholars have said we have to become a people who appreciate Allah's blessings and favors whilst they're around. Because once they disappear, everybody can appreciate them. Even the disbeliever, on the Day of Judgment, will realize how great of a blessing this life was."

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