A Traveller's Salat Musafir Prayer Info

A Traveller's Salat Namaz Musafir Prayer Details Info

Traveller's Salat Namaz Musafir Prayer

1. A person makes an intention to start journey from his native place (3) or his place of temporary residence (4) for a distance which will be covered in 3 days & goes out of the city limits is called a traveller.

2. The distance of three days (5) should be by normal walk neither fast nor slow (the normal walk means walking on foot or the speed of the camel).


3. The permanent place of residence is that place where a person settles down with an intention to live for ever.
4. The temporary place of residence is that place where a person intends to stay  for 15 days or more.
5. According to an estimate, it is 77km. Because a person cannot cover more than 20 miles by normal walk from morning to noon.

3. Three days distance means a walk from morning till noon. (Walking from morning till evening is not a condition).

4. If a person completes the journey, the distance of which cannot be covered by average walk in less than 3 days, covers it using a fast moving conveyance (such as horse, or train etc.) in a lesser time than three days, even then he will be treated as a traveller.

5. If there are two routes to reach the destination & by one route the distance can be covered in 3 days & with the other in 2 days then routes which is adopted by him will be applied.

6. The traveller when goes out of the city limits or town for his intended journey he is allowed to shorten his compulsory prayers by 2 Raka’at for 4 Raka’at is called 'Qasar ' which is obligatory. (If he observes 4 Raka’at (1) he will be a sinner(2). There is no 'Khasar ' for 3 or 2 Raka’at.

7. The traveller has to observe 'Qasar ' till he returns back & enters the limits of the town or in such a place where he intends to stay for 15 days provided the place is suitable to stay (if he intends to stay for less than 15 days or that place is not suitable to stay such as forests, sea, etc., he has to observe 'Qasar '.

8. In the following cases if any traveller breaks his journey & stays for more than 15 days he will not be a resident.

'Khasar ' is obligatory on him:

1. There was no intention to stay for 15 days but unintentionally he  is forced to stay for more than 15 days.

2. There was no intention but due to postponement he had to stay for 15 or more days.

3. There was intention to stay for 15 days or more but that place was not suitable to stay.

4. There was intention to stay for 15 days or more not at one place but at different places.

5. When a person serving another in this journey(3).


1. If he says 4 Raka’at the first & 2nd will be 'Fardh' & the other 2 will be Nafil.
2. Because 2 obligations will be missed by him, one is Qasar  & the 2nd is salaam immediately after the final sitting (qaida-e-Akhira).
3. A woman travelling with her husband or the servant with his master.

9. To accept the traveller as leader (Imaam) in the Salat by a local person is lawful by all means whether it is 'Ada' or 'Qaza' & when the traveller Imaam  utters salaam  after 2 Raka’ats then the local follower should Standup & complete the Salat . But at that time, he will not recite Quran with voice (to the extent of qirat) stand quiet as he is a 'Lahiq'. It is desirable that the traveller Imaam informs the followers immediately after salaam  that he is a traveller.

10.The traveller can also follow the resident at that time he will not observe 'qasar ' he is to say the Salat fully with the imaam  within the time (not thereafter).

11.The traveller should not miss the Sunnah of 'Fajar ' & better not to miss the Sunnah of 'Maghreb'. The Sunnah of the other Salat is left at his discretion. It is better not to perform when he is not sure of the things.

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