Compensatory Prostration (Sajdah sahu)

Compensatory Prostration Sajdah Sahu Details Info

Compensatory Prostration Sajdah Sahu

1. Compensatory prostration (Sajdah sahu) means when there is error of omission or commission (2) in Salat one has to perform 2 prostration (3) which are made obligatory (4).

2. The method of performing compensatory prostration is in the last sitting after tashahud (5) one has to convey one salaam  towards the right shoulder (6) & then perform two prostrations, thereafter repeat the tashahud (7) with durood & Dua’ (supplication). Then convey salaam towards both sides.

3. Compensatory prostration becomes obligatory due to five errors,
(A)Advance performance of any posture (8)
(B) Delay in performance of any posture (9)
(C) Repetition of any posture (10)
(D) Dropping of any obligation (11) and
(E) Change in obligation (12).


1. Even without execution of will a person dies & his capable heirs compensate the makeup Salat in that case also there is hope that the dead will be free from the responsibility.
2. " Sahu” means forget fullness; doubt is also included in it.
3. Owing to any defect the Salat has become defective, this will purify & make the Salat correct.
4. provided there is time for compansatory prostration.
5. It means after 'Abduhu wa Rasuluhu'
6. This is preferable but if a person without turning his face is attahiyaat utters salaam on the face itself the compensatory prostration will also be correct.
7. Repetitions of tahsahud & conveying final salaam is obligatory.
8. that is before qirat, Rukūʿ or Sajdah.
9. Uttering more than the tashahud in the first sitting due to which there is delay for standing in the third Raka’at.
10. for example, in any Raka’at 2 Rukūʿ or 3 Sajdah.
11.1st sitting is avoided.
12. Reciting quran loudly instead of slowly.

Compensatory prostration is compulsory (1), if it is intentional the Salat will be void.
4. If any Compulsory Posture of Namaaz is dropped intentionally or erroneously the Salat will be void.

5. Even if the Sunnah & Mustahabat are left the Salat will become complete (Compensatory Prostration will not be compulsory).

6. The rule of Compensatory Prostration is equally applicable to Fardh, wajib, nafil.

7. If mistakes are committed invariably in any Salat two compensatory prostrations are enough.

8. If in the Compensatory Prostration any error is committed again, no further Compensatory Prostration required.

9. If the compensatory prostration becomes necessary & forgotten to do it until salaam is conveyed on both sides & thereafter remembered it, it can be performed till his chest is not turned from Ka'aba & did not speak anything(2).

10. It is obligatory for the followers & the imaam to perform compensatory prostration for the error committed by the imaam. Whereas there is no compensatory prostration for the error of any follower.

11. The late joiner (masbooq) also joins the compensatory prostration (3) with the imaam (4) without ending the Salat.


1. If the wajib is erroneously left the Salat will not be void whereas it will be defective & it will be corrected by compensatory prostration.
2. If this is any talk or any act amounting to spoiler of Salat, the Salat is to be being repeated.
3. Whether the Imaam has committed error before or after the follower (Masbooq) joined the Salat.
4. Then at the end it will not be repeated.

to complete his owns Salat thereafter. If he commits mistake or error in the remaining Salat he has to perform Compensatory Prostration separately (1).

12. There is no Compensatory Prostration for a person who misses some Raka’at (lahiq) however when the Imaam  performs Compensatory Prostration for his error he has to follow. But in the remaining Salat, if there is any mistake by 'lahiq' he has to perform compensatory prostration.

13. If the Imaam is a traveller & committed any error then the local follower has also to perform Compensatory Prostration along with the Imaam.

14. There is no compensatory prostration in Juma’ & Eidain prayers; hence the followers need not be confused (2).


1. If Salat is partly performed by gestures thereafter gained strength to do Rukūʿ & Sajdah  then Salat is to be performed afresh.
2. In whatever conditions he may be Salat is compulsory. There is no permission for a Muslim to relinquish the Salat.

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