There are two types
of Sunnah:
1. Stressed Sunnah (Sunnahe Muakkadah). The relinquished of
it without reason is a sinner & transgressor.
2. Unstressed Sunnah (Sunnah e Ghair Muakkadah). There is no
sin on the relinquished. This is also called Supererogatory (Nafil) & Desirable
1. Utterance of Dua’ e Qunoot is obligatory & specially
is masnoon.
2. (Trans). Oh Allah! We seek your help & we seek your
pardon & believe in you & trust in you & we worship in devotion
& grateful to you & we do not ungratified & we hate & forsake
those who are not obedient to you. Oh, Allah we worship you & say 'Namaz'
for you & prostrate before you & we fear your torments. Really your torments
will reach the disbelievers.
3. (Trans). Oh! Our Lord, Almighty Allah, provide us comfort
in this world & in the hereafter & save us from the torments of Hell.
4. Or recite whichever is remembered.
5. Sunnah or Nafil are meant for fulfilling the obligation,
that means a number of Sunnah or nafil are fixed with the Fardh Salat due to farsightedness (on the day of
judgment) what deficiency is found in the Fardh Salat can be made good.
1. Stressed Sunnah
(Sunnat e Muakkadah):-
1. There are 12 Sets (Raka’at) of Sunnahe Muakkadah every
day. Before Fardh of Fajar & After
Fardh, of Zohar, Maghreb & Esha two Raka’ath each & four Raka’ath
before the Fardh of Zohar(1). Among them the Sunnah of Fajar (2) is more
stressed (3), even some Islamic jurists
described it as Wajib.
2. On Friday before Fardh of Jum'ah & after the Fardh
four(4) Raka’ats is Sunnah e Muakkadah.
3. Twenty (20) Raka’at of Taraveeh in Ramadan(5) are Sunnah
e Muakkadah.
4. The Sunnah of 4 Raka’ats is performed with one Salaam .
If they are performed with two salaams they
will not be counted as Sunnah.
2. Supererogatory
(Navafil) :
1. Before 'Asar ' & 'Esha' four Raka’at & after Esha
four Raka’at is Desirable (Mustahab). Further after Maghreb six Raka’ats(6) is
Mustahab which are called 'Salat ul Avvabeen'.
2. Four Raka’at Nafil Salat in the day & eight Raka’at in the night can be performed with one Salaam. More than this is abhorrent.
2. Four Raka’at Nafil Salat in the day & eight Raka’at in the night can be performed with one Salaam. More than this is abhorrent.
3. Nafil Salat can be
performed while sitting even without reason.
4. The Nafil Salat
rightly started with intention becomes compulsory to be performed. If
due to any reason it has become void, it has to be repeated.
Notes: 1. with one salaam.
2. It is desirable (Mustahab) to recite in the 1st Raka’at
of Sunnah Fajar Surah Al – Kafiroon (Qul Yaa Ayyuhal Kafiroon) & in the
2nd Surah Al – Ikhlaas (Qul Hu Wallahu Ahad).
3. In Hadith much importance is shown about the Sunnah of Fajar. If
this Salat is missed along with
'Fardh' it is also be made up contrary to other Sunnah Salat for which there is no order to make up
4. With one salaam each.
5. with ten salaams.
6. with three salaams.
1. The method of performing Sunnah & Nafil is the same
as that of Fardh; the difference is to the extent that after Surah Fatiha
recitation of additional Surah is obligatory in the 1st & 2nd Raka’at of
Fardh Salat & compulsory in all
Raka’ats of Sunnah & Nafil.
2. Apart from the aforesaid Sunnah & Nafil there are
others also, a few of them are explained here.
1. Tahiyyat ul masjid:-
After entering the mosque & before sitting it is desirable to perform 2
Raka’at Salat (1).
2. Tahiyyatul wudu:
- After Wudu before the body is dried performing 2 Raka’at Salat is desirable (2).
3. Ishraq: -
After the Sunrise 2 Raka’ats is desirable, 4 can also be performed.
4. Chasht :-( 1).
The minimum Raka’ats of Chasht is 2 & maximum 12. (2). the time for the
Chasht is after the sun rises very high (Rising high & making the
atmosphere hot till decline).
5. Tahajjud (3)
:- (1). The minimum Raka’at for Tahajjud is 2 & medium 4 & 8 & maximum
is 12 Raka’at. (2)The time for Tahajjud starts after Esha before Vitar. It is
better to sleep after Esha & then get up at midnight & perform the
Tahajjud Salat . After that Vitar (provided there is confidence of getting up.
Otherwise Vitr is performed with Esha.
6. Istekhara Salat :-
1. When an important expedition is faced & there is
doubt either to do it or not, undertake ablution performs 2 Raka’ats Istekhara
Salat which is desirable.
Notes: 1. After entering the mosque & before sitting any Salat (such as Sunnah etc) is performed it will
be equivalent to Salat of Tahayyat ul
2. Similarly after bathing also.
3. The Tahajjud enjoys a very high place. All the saints have
achieved excellence through Tahajjud only.
2. 1st Raka’at recite Surah Al – Kafiroon (Qul
Yaa Ayyuhal Kafiroon) & in the 2nd Surah Al – Ikhlaas (Qul Hu Wallahu
3. After glorification of Allah recite Durood e Shareef, and
then recite the Dua’ -e-Istekhara After the word 'Hazal Amr' reveals the need
e.g. this journey 'Haza Safar'Haza Nikah etc. After that if the conscious
permits do it otherwise not.
4. It is better to repeat the Salat Istekhara seven times (1) & start the
7. Taraveeh Salat :-
1. The Taraveeh Salat
is a stressed one for male & females both.
2. The night during which the new moon of Ramadan is sighted
start Salat -e-taraveeh from this night.
& after sighting the moon of Eid, It is to be stopped (2).
3. The Salat taraveeh
is not subject to fasting. The persons who do not keep fast due to any reason
Taraveeh Salat is Sunnah for them.
4. The time for Taraveeh Salat is from 'Esha'(3) till 'Fajar ', before Vitar
or after Vitar. But it is better before Vitar.
5. For taraveeh Salat waiting till 1/3 of the night or 1/2
of the night is desirable (After mid night also it is not undesirable).
6. The Congregation for Taraveeh is collective Sunnah.
7. There are 20 Raka’at in Taraveeh. (Every two Raka’at with
one salaam & 20 Raka’at with ten Salaam).
Notes: 1. Especially when there is no bent on any thing
2. That means one should say Taraveeh prayers during the entire month
of Ramadhan, even if the Quran is completed earlier.
3. If the Tarveeh prayers are performed befor Esha it will not be
counted as Taraveeh Salat .
8. In the Taraveeh Salat
h taking rest after every 4 Raka’at(1) for a period equal to the time
required for performing four Raka’at Salat
is desirable. During this gap it is discretionary to recite Tasbih ,
recite Quran, say Nafil Salat or keep silent.
9. In Taraveeh Salat it is traditional way of the Holy
Prophet (SAWS) to complete one Quran. People should not relinquish it due to
laziness & tardiness, & it is excellent to revise it & most
preferential is to revise it thrice. If there is apprehension that the Congregation
will be reduced in number it is to be recited to the extent tolerated by the
people (2).
10. If the Imaam is not a memoriser of Quran (Hafiz) any
verses from Quran can be recited. Better to recite from Surahh 'Alam Tara' to
the last Surahh of Quran with one Surah in every Raka’at(3),When ten Raka’at
are over repeat the same Surah’s from the beginning.
11. Following a minor Imaam
in Taraveeh Salat is not correct.
12. During the Ramadan Vitar is performed with congregation
(4) The Imaam should recite Quran in all 3 (three) Raka’at with voice &the
followers listen silently, after the Takbir e Qunoot the followers & imaam
both must recite Qunoot slowly.
13. It is permissible that one person leads the Salat of Fardh & Vitr & another of Taraveh
14. If all the persons have not performed Esha Salat with congregation the taraveeh Salat will not be performed with Congregation (5).
Similarly, if there was no congregation for
Notes: 1. Every 4 Raka’at is called Tarveeh & the entire
Salat is called Taraveeh. The Tasbih
2. It is traditional way of Holy prophet (SAWS) that there may not be
less than one Quran.
3. There will not be possibility of committing any mistake in Raka’at
& there will not be any disturbance in remembering.
4. Except Ramadan there is no congregation for Vitar Salat .
5. The congregation of taraveeh is subject to the congregation of
Taraveeh, Vitar need not be performed in congregation (1).
15. If a person comes after the Esha Salat , he should
perfrom Esha Salat first then joins the
16. If a person has performed Esha with Jama’at, Vitar may
also be performed with Jama’at (Even though he has not performed Taraveeh
Salat ) & if he has not performed
Esha Salat with Jama’at he need not say
Vitar Salat with Jama’at (Even though he
has performed Taraveeh with Jama’at).
17. One gets 1/2 of the reward by performing Taraveeh by
sitting without any reason.
18. Waiting to join Salat
without Takbir -e-tahreema till the Imaam starts bowing is abhorrent.