Muslim Babies Girls Name with Meaning Starting A Alphabet letter
Sl No Names Meanings
(Muslim Babies Girls)
1 Aabidah Worshipper
of Allah
2 Aabirah Fleeting,
transitory, ephemeral
3 Aabish Daughter
of Sad who was a queen of Iranian
4 Aabroo Honor,
Fame, Dignity
5 Aadab Hope,
6 Aadila Honest,
upright, just, righteous fem. of Adil
7 Aaeedah Visiting,
Returning, Reward
8 Aaeesha Life,
Vivaciousness, Living Prosperous, Youngest wife of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)
9 Aafiya Good
10 Aafreeda Created,
11 Aafreen Brave,
Acclaim ,Stimulation, encouragement
12 Aaida Visiting,
13 Aaidah Name
of a narrator of hadith
14 Aaila Beautiful,
like moon
15 Aaima Leader,
16 Aaina Mirror
17 Aaira Noble,
respectful, respected, honorable
18 Aaisha Well-off,
Prosperous, Wife of Hadhrat Muhammad (ﷺ)
19 Aakifa Devoted
, A lady who worship Allah in solitude
20 Aakifah Devoted,
Dedicated ,A lady who worships Allah in solitude
21 Aala Bounties
,Benefit, favor, blessing
22 Aalaa Signs
of Allah
23 Aaleyah Exalted,
Highest social standing
24 Aalia Exhaled,
Noble ,Highest social standing
25 Aalimah Scholar,
Authority ,Woman scholar
26 Aaliya High,
Tall, Towering, Excellent
27 Aaliyah Tall,
Towering ,Highest social standing ,Feminine form of Arabic Aali, meaning ‘the
high, exalted one’
28 Aamaal Hopes,
Aspirations, Wishes
29 Aamal Hope,
aspiration ,expectation
30 Aamanee Good
31 Aamilah Doer
of good deeds, Righteous
32 Aamina Arabic
name meaning ‘safe.’, The name of the mother of the Holy Prophet (ﷺ)
33 Aaminah Secured,
Safe. Name of the beloved mother of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)
34 Aamira Imperial,
Abundant, Inhabited ,Prosperous, full of life, large, substantial fem. of Aamir
35 Aamirah A
woman inhabiting in a place
36 Aani Fatimah
Khatoon Female She Was A Literary Woman And A Poetess In Qastaniniyah
37 Aani fatimah khatoon She was a literary woman and a poetess in
38 Aania Towards,
direction, concern.
39 Aanisah Young
lady, Maiden
40 Aaqifa Devoted
41 Aaqilah Intelligent
42 Aara Adoring
43 Aarifah Knowing,
Women who recognizes Islam ,Knowledgeable, Learned
44 Aarzoo Desire,
Wish, Hope
45 Aasfa Protector,
46 Aasia Hope
47 Aasimah Protector,
defendant, central
48 Aasira Bond
49 Aasiyah Pharaoh’s
wife who embraced Islam
50 Aasma Excellent,
51 Aasmaa Excellent,
52 Aatifa Affection,
53 Aatikah Generous
54 Aatiqah Shoulder
support old
55 Aatirah Fragrant
56 Abal Wild
57 Abasah Daughter
of al-Mahdi, a woman who was distinguished among her contemporaries
58 Abbaasah Lioness,
Sister of Haroon Rashid
59 Abda Worshiper
,Slave girl, a black slave girl
60 Abdah Worshiper
(of Allah)
61 Abdia Slave
of Allah
62 Abdiqani Qaniyare
63 Abeda Worshipper
64 Abeedah Worshiper.
The daughter of Nabil had this name she was a narrator of Hadith
65 Abeela To
be beautiful
66 Abeer Fragrance,
Aroma, Perfume ,Scent
67 Abeera Rose,
Sandal Safron mixed together in fragrance
68 Abeerah Rose,
Sandal Saffron mixed together in fragrance
69 Abia Great
70 Abida Worshiper,
devotee, adorer, devout , fem of Abid ,Variant of Arabic Abidah
71 Abidah Worshipper
72 Abir Fragrance,
73 Abisha Gift
of god
74 Abla Well-rounded
, Perfectly formed, A woman possessing a beautiful figure
75 Ablaa Perfectly
76 Ablah Perfectly
formed ,Variant of Arabic Abla
77 Abqurah Genius
78 Abra Example,
79 Abrar Devoted
to God
80 Abreshmina Made
of silk
81 Abroo Honor,
Fame, Dignity
82 Abru Honor,
fame, good name, dignity
83 Abtahi One
who lives in Abtah, a place near Makkah
84 Ada Grace,
85 Adaa Expression
86 Adab Hope,
87 Adala Justice
88 Adan Paradise,
89 Adara Virgin
, Chaste one
90 Adawiyah Summer
91 Adeeba Cultured,
92 Adifaah Acute,
Dare, Talented, Smart.
93 Adila Justice
,Equal, honest ,mannered, cultured
94 Adilah Equal,
just, honest, mannered, cultured, polite
95 Adira Strong,
96 Adiva Pleasant,
gentle ,kind person
97 Adla Just,
fair woman, Respected Witness.
98 Adn Paradise,
Jannat ka Bag, Place of Everlasting Bliss
99 Aeedah Visiting,
Returning, Reward
100 Aesha Well-off,
Prosperous, Wife of Hadhrat Muhammad (ﷺ) , alive
101 Afaf Chaste,
virtuous, decent, pure
102 Afana The
forgiver, pardner (Islamic names)
103 Afeefa Chaste
104 Afeefah Pure,
chaste, virtuous
105 Afeerah Covered
with soil or dust
106 Affera Variant
of Arabic Afra, meaning ‘pink’ or ‘reddish ‘white’
107 Affra Variant
of Arabic Afra, meaning ‘pink’ or ‘reddish ‘white’
108 Afia Away
from all Problems ,good health, vigor, vitality
109 Afifa Neat
lady, pure, chaste, modest, virtuous, honest, righteous, upright, decent, fem.
Of Afif
110 Afifah Chaste,
modest ,Another name for Hadhrat Fatimah Zahra
111 Afiyah Health,
free from illness and grief
112 Afizah A
person who knows the recital of the Quran
113 Afkar Pl.
of Fikr, intellect thought
114 Afnan Tree
branches or twigs ,Pl. of Fanan, intellect thought
115 Afra Dust
colored, earth-colored, a variety buck , ‘pink’ or ‘reddish ‘white’, A lady
with fair complexion
116 Afraa White,
Exalted, Highest social standing
117 Afrah Celebrations,
festivals , Pl. of Farah, joy, happiness , one who has pleasant dreams, imaginative
118 Afraima Arabic
119 Afreen Friendly
, Praise, Acclamation , Brave
120 Afrin Praise,
121 Afroz Illuminated
122 Afroza Burning,
polishing , Light from fire
123 Afroze Enlightening
124 Afsa Prophet
Mohammed’s (ﷺ)
125 Afsana Story
, Fable, fiction, romance
126 Afsanah Tale,
legend, fiction
127 Afsar Crown
128 Afshan Adornment
aids , To sprinkle , Story
129 Afsheen Shine
like a star
130 Afshin Decorated
with sparkles, golden
131 Afsoon Charm,
spell, bewitchment
132 Afya Shadows
133 Afza Increase,
134 Afzaa Increasing
135 Aghala Pleasing
136 Agharid Pl.
of Ughrudah, twittering, song
137 Aghigh Name
of a stone
138 Aghsan Pl.
of Ghusn, branch, twig
139 Ahdaf Pl.
of hadaf, aim, goal, target
140 Ahdia Unique,
The One
141 Ahlam Witty,
imaginative , one who has pleasant dreams
142 Ahlem dream
143 Ahoo Deer
144 Ahou Deer
145 Aicha enthusiasm
146 Aida Visiting,
returning, reward Arabic name used by Verdin his opera,’Aida,’n which belonged
to an Ethiopian princess
147 Aidah Variant
of Arabic Aida, returning, visitor ,Reward, Present ,Guest
148 Aiesha lady,
woman, Variant of Arabic Aisha, meaning ‘alive’
149 Aighar She
was a religious, righteous woman (AN)
150 Aila Noble
151 Aimal Hope
152 Aimen Most
Congratulated ,Brave, fearless, lucky, right hand
153 Ain alsaba Treasure
of the eye
154 Ainah Mirror
155 Ainalsaba TREASURE
156 Aini Spring,
flower, source, choice
157 Airah Noble,
158 Aisha Life,
Vivaciousness, Living ,Well-off , Prosperous, Youngest wife of the Prophet
Muhammad (ﷺ)
159 Aishah Living,
alive ,prosperous ,Vivaciousness, Lucky, flourishing , youngest wife of the
160 Aishahoraesha Life, Vivaciousness, Living Prosperous, Youngest wife of the
Prophet Muhammad ((ﷺ))
161 Aisia Variant
of Arabic Aisha, meaning ‘alive’
162 Aisiah Variant
of Arabic Aisha, meaning ‘alive’
163 Aiya Miracle,
verses in the Qur’an
164 Aiyla Moonlight
165 Aiza Noble
166 Aizah The
daughter of Hadhrat Ali (A.S)
167 Ajeebah She
was the daughter of Muhammad al-Baqadari, and was a narrator of Hadith
168 Ajia Superb,
169 Ajlal Beautiful,
stubborn, young princess
170 Ajrada Al-Ameeh,
was a great worshipper who worshipped long in the night sometimes right up to
daun (A.N)
171 Ajradah Al-Ameeh,
was a great worshipper who worshipped long in the night sometimes right up to
dawn (A.N)
172 Ajwa Name
of a date in Saudi Arabia Tree planted by Holy Prophet (ﷺ)
173 Akbari Big
174 Akela Wise
175 Akhtar Star,
good luck ,also name of a flower
176 Akhtari Wife
Of Prophet
177 Akia Sister
178 Akida Certain,
179 Akifa Devoted
to, dedicated to, intent, busy , fem. of Akif
180 Akifah Intent,
181 Akila Intelligent,
smart ,Wise
182 Akilah Variant
of Arabic Aqila, Intelligent, logical, one who reasons
183 Akleema Beautiful
One of the daughters of Adam AS
184 Aklima The
first step
185 Akshiti Victorious
186 Al adur al karimah A pious, righteous and intelligent woman of Egypt She respected the
Ulama and built religious schools Madrasah and mosques, She died in 762
187 Ala Signs
of Allah
188 Alaa Signs
189 Alaia Virtuous
190 Alalah A
191 Alam World,
sing. of Alameen
192 Alamara Adorning
the world
193 Alayna Princess
194 Aleema Exalted,
highest social standing ,Knowledgeable
195 Aleemah Knowing,
196 Aleena Silk
of heaven ,Beautiful ,Fair , Good-Looking
197 Aleesa Joy
198 Aleeza Joy
199 Aleha A
beautiful rose
200 Alesha Protected
by god
201 Aleya High,
202 Aleyah Exalted,
elevated, highest social standing
203 Alfah Guide
204 Alhan Melody (Muslim
205 Alhena A
ring (A star in the constellation Gemini)
206 Alia Variant
of Arabic Alya, meaning ‘heaven, sky’ ,Beautiful ,Exalted, elevated, noble, highest
social standing ,High, Tall ,raised
207 Aliah Variant
of both Arabic Alya, meaning ‘heaven, sky,’ and Arabic Aliyah, meaning ‘the
high, exalted on’ ,noble
208 Alifa friendly,
sociable, amicable fem. of Alif
209 Alihat Idol,
210 Alika Love
211 Alima Wise
,Woman of learning, scholar
212 Alimah Skilled
in music or dance
213 Alina Beautiful,
noble, illustrious in Arabic ,Greek origin meaning “light”
214 Alisha Protected
by Allah, Honesty, Truthful, Mazbooti say baandhna, Strong tie
215 Alishaba Beautiful
216 Alishba Lovely,
Innocent, Pretty
217 Aliya High,
tall, towering, lofty, exalted, high-ranking, sublime, superior, excellent fem.
of Aali
218 Aliyah Feminine
form of ALI ,Exalted, elevated, highest social standing , Noble
219 Aliyya Variant
of Arabic Aliyah, meaning ‘the high, exalted one.’ ,Highest social standing,
lofty, sublime , fem. of Ali
220 Aliyyah Variant
transcription of ALIYAH ,Exalted, elevated, highest social standing
221 Aliza The
Daughter Of Ali (RA) ,Joyous
222 Alleyah Leader
223 Alma Apple
224 Almas Diamond
225 Almasa Diamond
226 Almira Princess
Of higher birth order ,Truth
227 Alraaz Mystery
228 Altaf Pl.
of Lutf, Kindness, politeness
229 Altthea Sincere
230 Aludra Virgin
231 Alveena Loved
one, cared one, liked
232 Alvina Highest,
233 Alya sky,
heaven, loftiness in Arabic
234 Alyaa Heaven(s),
sky, sublimity, lofty
235 Alyan Tall
and healthy
236 Alzahra The
illuminated, nickname of the Prophet’s daughter, Fatimah
237 Alzena a
238 Alzubra A
star in the constellation Leo
239 Ama Female
slave, servant
240 Amaara Crown
241 Amah Slave,
Daughter of Khalid bin Saeed, a woman companion, daughter of companion, had
this name She was born in Habshah, and was married to Az-Zubayr bin Al-Awwam
242 Amal Hope,
expectation, sings. of Amaal
243 Amala Hopes,
244 Amalia Aspirations
245 Amalillah Hope
with Allah
246 Aman Trust,
safety, protection, Security, tranquility, peace of mind, calmness
247 Amana Faithful,
to believe
248 Amanat Pl.
of Amanah, trust, deposit
249 Amani Wishes,
aspirations, hopes, Security, Trust , pl. of Umniyah
250 Amany A
251 Amara Eternal
beauty, urgent news
252 Amat Servant
(female), A prefix used with attributes of Allah Almighty to form compound
names, e.g. Amatul Aziz, servant of Aziz (The Powerful)
253 Amatasalam Servant
of peace
254 Amatullah Female
servant of Allah
255 Amaya Night
256 Ambar Perfume
257 Ambara Perfume,
ambergris fem. of Ambar
258 Ambareen Good
259 Ambarin Perfumed,
260 Amber Jewel
,colored stone ,Perfume, Ambergris , Responsible
261 Ambereen Fragrance,
amber, sky
262 Ambra Gemstone
263 Ambreen Sky
264 Ameena Trustworthy,
faithful, secure , name of the mother of the Prophet ,fem. of Amin
265 Ameenah Trustworthy,
266 Ameer In
English ,means prince, in Arabic ,means kind
267 Ameera Noble
lady, princess ,leader ,fem. of Ameer
268 Ameerah princess
269 Amel hope
270 Amelia Trustworthy,
271 Amena Trustworthy,
faithful, peaceful, honest
272 Amila Hopeful
273 Amilah Hopeful
274 Amima Close
to heart, Someone who gives guidance, Prophet (saw)’s grand daughter
275 Amina Safe,
Secure, Protected, Trustworthy, a lady of peace and harmony. Name of the
beloved mother of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ),Feminine form
of Arabic Amin,
276 Aminah Trustworthy,
faithful, secure ,name of the mother of the Prophet
277 Amineh Trustworthy,
faithful, Secure, name of the mother of the Prophet
278 Amira Princess,
leader ,An occupant of an abode, one who makes umrah or ziyaarah, abundant
279 Amirah Royal
lady, Princess ,Feminine form of AMIR
280 Amjad Pl.
of Majd, glory, honor. Magnificence, splendor
281 Ammara A
lady with strong Imaan , tolerant ,Shining star
282 Ammarah An
283 Amna Peace
284 Amnajane A
Tranquil Gif Of Peace From Allah Almighty
285 Amra Princess
, Any covering for the head, as a crown
286 Amrah Headgear
,This was the name of the female companion Amrah RA daughter of Abdur Rahman
bin Sa’ad bin Zurarah Ansari
287 Amreen Sky
288 Amrozia Woman
of today
289 Amsah Friendly,
of good company
290 Amtullah Female
servant of Allah
291 Ana Prestige,
self respect
292 Anaan Clouds
293 Anabia Door
of jannat , jannat ka darwaza
294 Anadil Pl.
of Andalib, nightingale
295 Anah Patience,
296 Anal Five
297 Anam Present
,Allah’s blessing
298 Anan Clouds
299 Anat Perseverance,
300 Anaum The
blessing of Allah
301 Anayah Allah
ka inam
302 Anbar Perfume,
303 Anbarin of
304 Andalah Song
of the nightingale
305 Andalee Nightingale
306 Andalib Nightingale,
sing. of Anadil
307 Andleeb Nightingale
(A bird)
308 Aneeqa Beautiful
309 Aneesa Close,
Faithful ,intimate, affectionate, Companion, affectionate, friendly, sociable,
fem of Anis
310 Aneesah Generous,
311 Aneezah She-Goat
312 Angbin Honey
313 Angeza Reason,
314 Anida Obstinate
315 Anika Very
316 Anila Beautiful
317 Aniqa Neat,
elegant, smart
318 Anisa Friendly
,A pious-hearted lady, good-natured, compatible
319 Anisah Close,
intimate, friendly ,good friend
320 Anisha Deep
thinker, sensitive, high
321 Anissa pleasant
322 Aniya Concern,
323 Anizah She
324 Anja Beauty
325 Anjum Stars
,Plural of Najm
326 Anjuman Assembly
327 Anmar Leopard
328 Anmol Precious
329 Anna Food
330 Annam Gods
331 Annissa charming
,friendly ,Variant of Arabic Anisa,
332 Anniyah Concern,
333 Annum Allah’s
blessing, A blessing
334 Anoosh Delighted
335 Anoosha Delighted,
336 Anooshah Happy,
337 Anousha Sweet,
joy, fortunate
338 Anqa A
woman with a long neck, an imaginary bird
339 Ansam Pl.
of Nasam, breath of life
340 Ansara Helper
341 Ansharah Happiness
342 Anum Blessing
of god, gods gift
343 Anushah Happy,
344 Anwaar Rays
of light, blossoms
345 Anwar Rays
of light, blossoms , pl. of Noor
346 Anwara Ray
of Light
347 Anwarah Greatly
348 Anya A
woman with large eyes ,Gracious
349 Apana Almond.
350 Aphra Variant
of Arabic Afra, meaning ‘pink’ or ‘reddish ‘white’
351 Aqdas Pure,
352 Aqeela Gracious
,Wise ,The best
353 Aqeelah Wise,
Sensible ,Intelligent lady
354 Aqiba Result,
355 Aqifa Devoted
356 Aqila Wise,
sensible, intelligent, sensible, discerning
357 Aqilah Wife,
spouse the best, the pick
358 Aqlimah Intelligent,
Wise, Daughter of prophet Adam, Sister of Qabeel
359 Aqsa Height,
limit, shore .Remote, Farthest, Name of the Mosque / Temple at Jerusalem
360 Aquilah Intelligent
361 Ara Opinions
, Embellishing, adorning, ornament, decoration
362 Araam Relief,
363 Aram Signs,
364 Arda Bronzed
365 Ardah Bronzed
366 Areeba Wise
367 Areebah Witty,
368 Areefa Learned,
expert, authority fem. of Areef
369 Areej Sweet
smell ,Aroma, scent, perfume ,The fragrance of a flower from an orange tree
370 Areena Voice
of Bird
371 Aresha Under
an umbrella
372 Arfa Exalted,
sublime, great, high
373 Arghavan Redish
374 Ariana Full
of life ,Land of Arians (Arial – Noble / Pure)
375 Aribah Wise
376 Arifa Learned(Intimate
knowledge of Allah) , expert, authority, fem. of Arif
377 Arifah Knowledgeable
,Learned ,Women who recognizes Islam
378 Arij Fragrance,
sweet smell
379 Arisha Highness
380 Arissa Bright
381 Arjumand Excellent,
Beloved, Noble, Honorable
382 Armaghn Gift
383 Arman Wish,
384 Armin Dweller
of the garden of eden
385 Aroob Lover
wife, who loves her husband
386 Aroosa Bride
387 Aroosh Angle
of heaven
388 Aroub Woman
Loving to her husband
389 Aroush Angel
of paradise
390 Arsala Lioness
391 Arshi One
who lives in the sky
392 Arshia One
who lives is the sky
393 Arshiya Fairy,
Abode Of Allah, Lives In Skies
394 Arub Loving
to husband
395 Aruba Loves
her husband Arus
396 Arus Brides
397 Arva Fertile,
398 Arwa satisfied,
pleasant, fresh ,Female mountain goat, She was the daughter of Abdul Muttalib,
and so an aunt of the Prophet (ﷺ) his father’s
399 Arwah breath
of air
400 Arya Noble
401 Aryisha Under
402 Arzo Hope
403 Arzoo Yearning,
desire, wish, longing
404 Arzu Wish,
hope, love
405 Asah Plant
known for its greenness
406 Asal Honey
407 Asalah Nobility
of descent ,Purity
408 Asar Pl.
of Asar, sign, mark, trace
409 Asas Foundation
(Muslim baby Names)
410 Asbah Pure
as water
411 Aseel Smooth,
412 Aseela Of
noble origin, highborn, pure fem. of Asil
413 Aseelah One
belonging to a great heritage and family ,Noble, Genuine, Pure
414 Asfa Protector,
415 Asfia Pure,
enduring, respectable
416 Asfiya Pure
417 Asgari Devotee
418 Asghia Pious
people, modest people
419 Ashadieeyah Princess,
cute, perfect
420 Ashalina Sweet,
always living, shy, loving
421 Ashbah Pearl
422 Asheeyana House,
423 Ashika Love
424 Ashiqa Very
friendly, which stays very close
425 Ashira Wealthy
426 Ashna Beautiful
427 Ashraf Nobler,
more honorable, comp. adj. of Sharif
428 Ashwaq Pl.
of Shawq, longing, desire, wish
429 Asifa Organizer,
Virtuous, pure, spotless, upright
430 Asil Smooth
431 Asilah Noble
origin, pure
432 Asili Original
433 Asima Safe,
chaste, protector, guardian fem. of Asim
434 Asimah Protector
435 Asira Honored,
chosen, preferred fem. of Asir
436 Asiya Comforting,
consoling, a mansion with solid foundation or pillars, firm, a powerful. Wife
of Firawn who educated prophet Moosa. ,One who tends to the weak and heals them
437 Asiyah She
was the wife of the Farao in Moesa’s time. She turned Muslimah and died a
shahieda because she refused to obey her husband and say that he (farao) was
her God , One who tends to the weak and heals them ,comforts, consoles
438 Asjad Gold,
439 Asli Pure,
440 Asma Excellent,
lofty, eminent, precious, daughter of Abu Bakr ,A narrator of Hadith and
daughter of Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Tahir al-Aswadi (AN)
441 Asmaa Excellent,
lofty, eminent, precious, Higher, more exalted, more sublime, more eminent
,daughter of Abu Bakr
442 Asmara Beautiful
443 Asmat Pure,
444 Asna The
one to be acknowledged or praised
445 Asra River
of Paradise ,To travel by night, to make someone travel by night
446 Asrar Secrets
447 Asriyah Modernist
448 Assia protect
449 Atalaya Watch
450 Ateefa Affection,
Sympathy, compassionate
451 Ateeqa Ancient,
noble, fem. of Atiq
452 Ateeqah Old
453 Ateeyah A
454 Athilah Deep-rooted,
firmly established
455 Athir Favored,
456 Athmah A
narrator of Hadith
457 Atia Gift
458 Atifa Compassion,
affection, sympathetic, kindness , fem. of Atif
459 Atifah Affectionate,
compassionate, sympathetic
460 Atifat Kindness,
461 Atika Clear,
pure, limpid (of wine), of good famous ,Flower, good smell
462 Atikah Virgin,
pure, clear
463 Atiqa Emancipated,
a beautiful lady
464 Atiqah Beautiful,
charitable, loving
465 Atira Fragrant,
connoisseur of good fragrance, aromatic, perfumed
466 Atirah Fragrant
467 Atiya Gift,
present, bounty, grant
468 Atiyah Gift,
469 Atoosa Name
of an Iranian princess
470 Atuf Affectionate,
kind hearted, compassionate, loving
471 Atyaf Fantasies
472 Aushah Wife
of prophet Muhammad (Pbuh)
473 Avivit Lilac
474 Avizah A
475 Awa Beautiful
angel, night
476 Awatif Emotions
,Pl. of Aatifa, affection, compassion, kindness, kind feeling
477 Aya verse
,Phrase from the holy Quran
478 Ayaat Many
signs & proofs, verses in the Quran
479 Ayah A
verse from Quran, a sign from Allah ,clear evidence ,Sign, distinct
480 Ayan Luck
481 Ayana Lucky,
good day, day of judgment
482 Ayat Quranic
verses, clear evidences, signs of Allah
483 Ayda Variant
of Arabic Aida, meaning ‘returning, visitor’
484 Ayeesa Variant
of Arabic Aisha, meaning ‘alive’
485 Ayeesah Variant
of Arabic Aisha, meaning ‘alive’
486 Ayeesha Variant
of Arabic Aisha, meaning ‘alive’
487 Ayeh Sign,
distinct ,Quranic verse, clear evidence, sign of Allah
488 Ayeisha Variant
of Arabic Aisha, meaning ‘alive’
489 Ayesha Living,
well-off, well-to-do, prosperous. Aisha (d.678): wife of the Prophet Muhammad
and daughter of Kahlifa Abu Bakr
490 Ayisha Variant
of Arabic Aisha, meaning ‘alive’
491 Ayishah Living,
prosperous, alive ,youngest wife of the Prophet
492 Aymalak Moon
493 Aymen Sacred,
Brave, Old name of Arabia
494 Ayna One
who Has wide Beautiful Eyes ,Women with Large Eyes
495 Aynunnahar Source
of the spring Babara, Lioness
496 Aypari Moon
497 Ayra Respectable
498 Aysal Moonlike
499 Aysha Alive
and well ,The name of wife of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)
500 Ayshah Wife
of the Holy Prophet (ﷺ)
501 Az zahra Excellent
and smart
502 Azaa A
must have, right, courage, power, legal, allowable
503 Azadah Free
(Muslim baby Names)
504 Azadeh Princess
505 Azah Strong,
506 Azeema Determination,
firm will
507 Azeemah Great,
508 Azeen Beauty,
509 Azeeza Esteemed,
Precious, cherished, dear, beloved
510 Azeezah Esteemed,
precious, cherished, dear, beloved, honored,
511 Azhaar Pl.
of Zahra, Flowers, Blossoms
512 Badai Flowers,
513 Baasima Great,
powerful, dignified, magnificent, glorious fem. of Azim
514 Azzah Sky,
515 Azza Accessories
(usually Jewelry)
516 Azwa Name
of an Iranian princess
517 Azrah Friendship
518 Azraa Noble,
precious, cherished, honorable, illustrious, highly esteemed, dearly loved,
beloved fem. of Aziz
519 Azra Esteemed,
precious, cherished, beloved, dear
520 Azmina Pious
,Big hearted, generous
521 Azma Blessing
of Allah
522 Azka Beautiful,
523 Azizah Maiden,
Pious, Virgin(used for Maryam/Mary), a young unmarried lady
524 Aziza Unpierced
525 Aziz Beautiful
pearl in Jannah (Heaven)
526 Azita Pl.
of Zau, light, splendor, limelight
527 Azin Young
female gazelle
528 Aziman Young,
female gazelle
529 Azima Smiling
530 Azhar Pl.
of Badia, wonder, marvel
531 A’idah Guest,
the one who’s returning
532 A’ishah Wife
of the Prophet ((ﷺ))
533 A’shadieeyah Princess,
cute, perfect
534 Aa’idah Name
of a narrator of hadith-Shareef
535 Aabidah Worshipper
536 Aabish Daughter
of Sa’d who was a queen of Iran (AN)
537 Aadila Just,
Honest, Equal, Upright
538 Aaeesha Life,
Vivaciousness, Living Prosperous, Youngest wife of the Prophet Muhammad (Saws)
539 Aafia Good
540 Aafreen Brave,
541 Aairah Noble,
542 Aakifah Devoted,
543 Aala Bounties
544 Aalia Exhaled,
545 Aalimah Scholar,
546 Aaliyah Tall,
547 Aamilah Doer
of (good) deeds, Righteous
548 Aaminah Secured,
549 Aamira Imperial,
Abundant, Inhabited
550 Aamirah Inhabitant
551 Aani Fatimah Khatoon She was a literary woman and a poetess in Qustuntuniyah
552 Aarifah Knowing,
Women who recognizes Islam
553 Aatiqah Shoulder
(support) old
554 Aazeen Beauty
555 Abasah Daughter
of al-Mahdi
556 Abda Worshipper
557 Abdul Basit Slave
of the enlarger
558 Abeedah Worshipper
559 Abeer Fragrance
560 Abeera The
mixture of the smell of the petals of Rose and Sundal
561 Abida Worshipper
562 Abir Serious,
563 Ablah Perfectly
564 Ad’ifaah Smart,
565 Adeela Equal
566 Adeelah Just
567 Adeena Pious,
good luck
568 Adeeva Pleasant,
569 Adila Justice
570 Adla Just,
fair woman
571 Afia Away
from all Problems
572 Afifa Neat
573 Afifah Chaste,
574 Afiyah ‘Health’,
free from illness and grief
575 Afizah A
person who knows the recital of the Quraan
576 Afra Dust-colored
577 Afraa White
578 Afrah Happiness
579 Afreen Friendly
580 Afroza Light
from fire
581 Afsana Story
582 Afshan Adornment
583 Ahd Pledge,
584 Ahlam Dreams
585 Aida Visiting,
586 Aidah Visiting,
Returning, Reward, Present
587 Aighar She
was a religious, righteous woman
588 Aimen Most
589 Ain Eye,
Thus “Precious”
590 Aisha Life,
Vivaciousness, Living Prosperous, Youngest wife of the Prophet Muhammad (Saws)
591 Aishah Life,
Vivaciousness, Living Prosperous, Youngest wife of the Prophet Muhammad (Saws)
592 Aizah The
daughter of Hadhrat Ali (As)
593 Ajeebah A
narrator of hadith
594 Ajwa Name
of a date in Saudi Arabia. Tree planted by Holy Prophet ((ﷺ))
595 Akilah Intelligent
one who reasons
596 Akleema Beautiful.
One of the daughters of Adam (A.S)
597 Aleena Silk
of heaven
598 Alia Beautiful
599 Aliah Exalted,
noble, highest social standing
600 Alima Wise
601 Alina Beautiful
602 Alishba Pretty
603 Aliyah Exalted,
604 Aliza The
Daughter of Ali (RA)
605 Almaas A
606 Amah Slave
607 Amal Hope,
608 Aman Peace
609 Amani Wishes,
610 Amatullah Slave
of Allah
611 Ambar Ambergris
612 Amber Responsible
613 Ameenah Trustworthy
614 Ameera Noble
lady, princess
615 Amina Honest
616 Aminah Trustworthy,
617 Amira Princess
618 Amirah Royal
lady, Princess
619 Ammara Shining
620 Amna Peace
621 Amra Princess
622 Amrah Headgear
623 Anam Present
624 Andaleeb Nightingale
625 Andalib Nightingale
626 Andlib A
bird, one who is always happy
627 Aneesa Close,
intimate, friendly
628 Anisa Friendly
629 Anisah Close,
intimate, friendly
630 Anjum Stars
631 Annam God’s
632 Anum Blessing
of God, God’s gift
633 Anya Gracious
634 Aqeela Intelligent
635 Aqeelah Wise,
636 Aqsa Name
of a mosque
637 Ara Opinions
638 Areej The
fragrance of a flower from an orange tree
639 Arfa Greatness
640 Ariana Full
of life
641 Arij Sweet
642 Aroob Loving
to her husband
643 Arub Loving
(to husband)
644 Arwa Mountain
645 Arzoo Hope
646 Asalah Purity
647 Asbah Pure
(as water)
648 Asfia Great
649 Asifa Organizer
650 Asima Protector
651 Asiya The
Muslim wife of Pharaoh
652 Asiyah She
was the wife of the Farao in Moesa’s time. She turned Muslimah and died a
shahieda because she refused to obey her husband.
653 Asma Loftier,
more eminent
654 Asra River
of Paradise
655 Ateefa Affection,
656 Athmah A
narrator of Hadith-Sharif
657 Atifa Affectionate,
658 Atika Flower,
good smell
659 Atiya Gift
660 Awatif Emotions
661 Aya Phrase
from the holy Quran
662 Ayaana Lucky,
good day, day of judgment
663 Ayah A
verse from Quran or a sign from God
664 Ayat Verses
(pl. of Aya), signs, lessons, proofs
665 Aysha The
name of wife of Prophet Muhammad ((ﷺ))
666 Ayshah Wife
of the Holy Prophet ((ﷺ))
667 Az-zahra Excellent
and smart
668 Azeemah Great
669 Azeeza Esteemed,
precious, cherished
670 Azhaar Flowers
671 Aziman Sky,
672 Aziz Friendship
673 Azizah Esteemed,
precious, cherished
674 Azka Pious
675 Azmina Beautiful,
676 Azra Maiden,
Pious, Woman
677 Azraa Unpierced
678 Azzah Young,
female gazelle
Muslim Babies Girls Name with Meaning Starting letter A Alphabet
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