Awesome Babies Muslim Boys Names Meaning Starting with A-7

Awesome Babies Muslim Boys Names Meaning Starting with A-7

S No        Names    Meanings (Awesome Babies Muslim Boys Names)

481          Ala al din excellence of religion from Arabic ( Ala) “excellence, elevation” combined with (din) “religion, faith”

482          Ala ud din Glory of religion

483          Alaa         Nobility, excellence, Height, elevation

484          Alaaldin   Excellence of faith

485          Alaaudeen  Excellence of Religion

486          Aladdin    Nobility of faith

487          Alaleem  He who knows all Things

488          Alam       World, Universe

489          Alamgir   Lord of the universe, World conqueror, Title of Mughal emperor Aurangzeb (1658-1707)

490          Alamulhuda   Banner of guidance, An epithet of the Holy Prophet Muhammad ()

491          Alamzeb  World Beauty

492          Alauddin  Glory of religion (Islam)

493          Alaudeen Excellence of religion

494          Alawi       Descendant of Ali Bin Abi Talib, Above

495          Albara     Wholesome with innocence

496          Alee         Sublime, High

497          Aleef       Friendly, Sociable, Amicable

498          Aleem     Learned, expert, scholar, omniscient, one of the names of Al-Mighty Allah

499          Aleem ul huda   Banner of guidance

500          Aleema   High, lofty, sublime, eminent, excellence, noble, honorable, one of the names of Al-Mighty Allah

501          Aleemuddin   A learned person in religion

502          Alfaz        Words (plu. of lafz)

503          Alhakam  The arbitrator, the judge

504          Alhan       Eloquence, good voice

505          Alharith   The plowman

506          Alhazar    Sos, help

507          Alhusain  Diminutive of the handsome, the good, name of the Prophets () grandson

508          Alhusayn High, lofty, sublime, eminent, excellence, noble, honorable, one of the names of Al-Mighty Allah, fourth Caliph of Islam

509          Alibaba    Great leader

510          Alif          Close friend, The first character in Hijaiyah

511          Alih          Idol, god

512          Alim        Wise or learned, Intellectual, Knowledgeable, Scholar, omniscient

513          Alin          Nobility Of Faith

514          Aliyy        The highest, greatest, excellent, noble, name of the Prophets son in law and the fourth Caliph

515          Allaam    Very clever, Knowledgeable

516          Allah Bakhsh   Gift of Al-Mighty Allah

517          Allal         Comforter (Awesome Babies Muslim Boys Names)

518          Allam      very knowledgeable

519          Allama    Very learned, Title given to a very learned scholar

520          Almaas    A diamond

521          Almahdi  Guided to the right path

522          Alman     Kind, willing and Wiseman

523          Almas      Diamond

524          Almir       Prince

525          Alparslan Hero-lion

526          Alsafi       Clear, pure, fine

527          Altaaf      Kindness

528          Altaam    Correct

529          Altaf        Pl. of Lutf, kindness, grace, favor

530          Altaf hussain    Kindness of Husain.

531          Altair       The flying eagle, also refers to a first magnitude star in the constellation Lyra

532          Altamash     Name of a famous king (Shams-ud-Deen Altamash)

533          Altayyib   The good one

534          Althaf      Graceful

535          Altijani    Crowning

536          Altufail    Old Arabic name

537          Altufayl   Old Arabic name

538          Aluf         Friendly, Faithful, Devoted

539          Alvi          Fan of Hazrat Ali (RA)

540          Alwan      Up high

541          Alwaz      Light, brightness

542          Alyaan     High Status, Exalted, Sublime, Superb, Great, Supreme

543          Alyasaa   Elisha – a Prophet

544          Amaad    Pillar, post, support

545          Amaan    Trust, safety, security, protection, tranquility, peace of mind, calmness

546          Amaanullah     Peace from Al-Mighty Allah

547          Amaar     One who prays 5 times and fasts

548          Amad      Support of the state, (Its used both as name & title)

549          Amail      Necklace

550          Amal       Pure, Hope, Aspiration

551          Amala     Hope, Aspiration

552          Amam     Safety, Protection

553          Aman      Trust, Safety, Protection, Tranquility, Peace of mind

554          Amanat   Something given in trust, deposit, security

555          Amani     Pl. of Umniya, wish, aspiration, hope

556          Amanuddin    Trust of religion (Islam)

557          Amanullah      Trust, care of Al-Mighty Allah, protection of Al-Mighty Allah

558          Amar       One with strong Imaan, Also a Sahabi

559          Ameen    Divine grace, faithful, trustworthy

560          Amayr     Crown (Awesome Babies Muslim Boys)

Awesome Babies Muslim Boys Names Meaning Starting Alphabet 


A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 
B1 B2 B3 B4 C D1 D2 E F1 F2 G H1 H2 
H3 H4 I1 I2 K1 K2 L M1 M2 M3 M4 
N1 N2 O P Q R S T U W Y Z

Babies Muslim Boys Names

Awesome Babies Muslim Boys Names Meaning Starting with A-7 

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