Best Muslim Baby Names for Boys with Meaning Starting with A 11
No Names Meanings (Muslim Baby Name)
801 Aymaan Lucky
802 Ayman Lucky
blessed, right-hand, right, on the right, fortunate
803 Ayn Source
804 Aynuddin Source of the faith (Islam)
805 Aynul hayat Fountain of Life
806 Aynun naim Fountain of blessing
807 Ayoob A
Prophets name (Jobe)
808 Ayoub A
Prophets name(Jobe)
809 Ayser Easy
in dealing, wealthy
810 Ayub Afflicted,
Same as Jobe (name of a prophet)
811 Ayyaaz Servant
of King Mahmood of Ghazni
812 Ayyan Al-Mighty
Allah’s gift, Waliullah, Al-Mighty Allah ka Tuhfa
813 Ayyash Bread
814 Ayyasy Bread
seller, Long life, Name of Prophet’s companion
815 Ayyaz Servant
of King Mahmood of Ghazni
816 Athif Rich
of love, Loving
817 Athil Firmly
818 Athir Favored,
819 Athtar Perfume
820 Atif Compassionate,
affectionate, sympathetic, kind-hearted, loving
821 Atik The
black cloth of the kaaba
822 Atiq Ancient,
noble, antiquated
823 Atir Fragrant,
824 Attaar Perfumer,
perfume vendor
825 Attaboak Teacher, Defender, Guide
826 Attar Fragrance
Seller, Perfumer
827 Attiq Old
828 Atuf Affectionate,
kind-hearted, compassionate, loving
829 Atyab Scrupulously
clean, refined, most noble, excellent
830 Aufa Fulfill
831 Aula Another
name for Prophet Muhammad (ï·º)
832 Aun Assist/
favor ,Helping
833 Aurang Wisdom,
834 Aurangzeb Ornament of the throne, a person befitting the throne,
Adorner of the throne, (King), A Mughal Emperor (1658-1707)
835 Aus Myrtle,
ace (in cards), Name of a number of Sahaba, e.g. Aus ibn Sabit, Aus ibn Saamit,
Aus ibn Kholy
836 Ausaf Virtues,
837 Awad Reward,
838 Awais Naim
of a saint
839 Awaiz Decorated,
840 Awalmir Prime
841 Awan Friend,
842 Awanah Middle-aged,
fierce. Abu Awanah Al-Waddah was a scholar of Hadith and a reciter of Quran
843 Awelijama Man of somali
844 Awf Guest,
fragrance, lion,
845 Awn To
help, assist ,Support
846 Azmaray Varient
for Zmaray (Lion)
847 Azmat Respect,
honor, Majesty, pride, grandeur, greatness
848 Azmeer Clever,
849 Azmi One
who fulfill his promise
850 Azmii Bold
851 Azraf More
elegant, more graceful, more humorous
852 Azrak Blue,
Name of a companion of the Prophet S.A.W
853 Azraq Blue,
name of a companion of the Prophet ï·º, bin Qays
854 Azraqi He
was an authority on the history and geography of Makkah
855 Azud Upper
arm, strength, power, support
856 Azududdawlah Strength of the state
857 Azududdin Support of religion (Islam)
858 Azzaam Determined,
859 Azzam Very
determined, resolved, resolute
860 Azziz liked
861 Ayyub Ayyub
was a Prophet of Al-Mighty Allah known for his patience in the face of severity
and hardship. There have been other noted men by this name, for instance Ibn
Tamim was a reciter of the Quran, Al-Sakhtiyani was a learned ascetic, both had
this name
862 Aza Comfort
863 Azaad Free,
liberated, unrestrained
864 Azaam Submission,
865 Azaan Call
for the Pray, Strength & Power
866 Azab Touring,
travelling, wandering
867 Azad Free,
unrestrained, Independent, Liberated
868 Azain Decoration
869 Azam Greater,
greatest, more important, most important, most pious, most exalted, Follower,
870 Azan Call
for the prayer
871 Azbak Independent,
872 Azeem Greater,
Defender, referring to one of Gods ninety nine qualities
873 Azeez Dear,
beloved, respected, precious, powerful, rare
874 Azfaar Victories,
875 Azfar (1)
Successful, Victorious, Fragrant (2) Revered, Venerable, Sensible, Saint
876 Azfer Leader
877 Azghan Faithful
878 Azhaan Geniuses,
Intellects, Wits, Abilities and Zaheen
879 Azhaar Pl.
of Zahra, flower, blossom
880 Azhaf Courageous,
881 Azhar Famous,
More evident, most apparent, most illuminated
882 Azharan The
sun and moon alike, to adopt, buds
883 Azher Most
shining, Luminous
884 Azhmeer Clever
885 Azim Greatest,
Might, magnificent, glorious, great, dignified, exalted, determined, one of the
names of Al-Mighty Allah
886 Azimushshan Of mighty concern
887 Aziz Might,
strong, illustrious, highly esteemed, dearly loved, one of the names of
Al-Mighty Allah
888 Azizullah Dear to Al-Mighty Allah
889 Azlan Lion
890 Azli From
the beginning (Muslim baby name)