Best Muslim Names for cute babies with Meaning Starting A 10
S No Names Meanings (Best Muslim Names)
721 Ashfaaq Compassionate, Kindness
722 Ashfaq Pl. of Shafaqa, kindness, compassion,
sympathy, pity, mercy, favors
723 Ashhal Having bluish-black eyes, Bin Hatim had
this name, he was a narrator of Hadith
724 Ashhar Famous, popular
725 Ashik Lover ,Love
726 Ashil Good descendant, Time between Asar and
727 Ashim Generous, Abstain immorality, Take care,
728 Ashiq Lover, suitor
729 Ashir Living
730 Ashja Braver, More courageous, Adjective of
731 Ashkan The founder of an Iranian dynasty
732 Ashmaan Heaven
733 Ashmath Correct path, Straight path
734 Ashnad Swimmer
735 Ashour Strongest Assyrian king
736 Ashraf More honorable, most distinguished, eminent
more nobler
737 Ashrafus
sadat Most noble of the Sayyids
738 Ashras Abu al-Hasan az-Ziyat a narrator of Hadith
was so named
739 Asif Forgiveness, Name of courtier in the
kingdom of Prophet Suleiman who is noted for his intelligence
740 Asil Of noble origin, highborn, pure,
741 Asim Protector, guardian, chaste, safe,
742 Asir captivating, fascinating
743 Asiruddin Honored (person) of the religion (Islam)
744 Asjad Gold, Jewel
745 Askar Troop, Soldier
746 Askari Soldier
747 Asker Soldier
748 Asla Protector, guard , This name was the
name of Asfa the narrator of Hadith
749 Aslam Peace, Very safe, safeguarded, better,
more perfect, more complete
750 Asma He was Ibn Harithah Al-Aslami
751 Asmar Brown skin
752 Asooda Prosperous, jolly, happy
753 Asr Third Prayer of the day
754 Asra Travel by night
755 Asrar Secrets, mysteries, pl. of Sirr, secret
756 Astaan Threshold, gateway
757 Astan Fragrant, aromatic
758 Aswad Black
759 Asyam High and sharp
760 Asyhab Grey colored
761 Asyqar Reddish skin color
762 Asyraf Honorable, Noble
763 Asyur 10th day of Muharam
764 Ata Gift, present, favor, bounty,
765 Ata
al rahman Gift of the Beneficent
766 Ata
Al-Mighty Allah Gift of God
767 Ata
ataa Gift
768 Ataa Gift, Present
769 Atabuk Protector, guard
770 Atah Gift
771 Atal Hero, Leader, Guide
772 AtAl-Mighty
Allah The gift of Al-Mighty Allah,
Variant transcription of ATAULLAH
773 Atash Fire
774 Ataubaq Handsome, beautiful, helpful, generous and got
a lot of love to share
775 Ataullah gift of God from Arabic ( Ata) “gift” combined
with (Al-Mighty Allah) “God”
776 Ataur
rahman Gift of the merciful
777 Ateeb Very pious, clean
778 Ateek Ancient
779 Ateeq Ancient
780 Atf Kindness, favor, affection, present
781 Atha Gift, Souvenir, Present
782 Athar Purer, more virtuous, most pious,
meticulously neat and clean
783 Athazaz Unknown, Mystery, Maze
784 Ather Neat, Clean
785 Athier Lion-hearted
786 Aws To give, Name of a tree
787 Awwaab great repenter to God
788 Awwab Returning (to Al-Mighty Allah), Sincere
repentant, supplicant
789 Awwad Reward, Compensation
790 Awwal First. Al-Awwal, the first: one of the
names of Al-Mighty Allah
791 Ayaan Gift of God
792 Ayaat Pl. of Ayat, sign, verse of the Quran
793 Ayaaz A trusted slave of Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi
794 Ayan appear
795 Ayat Sign, revelation, verse of the Quran
796 Ayatullah Sign of Al-Mighty Allah
797 Ayaz A sincere slave of mehmood the king once
upon a time
798 Aybak Ibn-Aybak was a leading historian
799 Aydin Brilliant, Enlightened, Intelligent,
Light of the moon
800 Ayham Brave (Best Muslim Names )
Best Muslim Names for cute babieswith Meaning Starting Alphabet A 10